
October 24, 2014

Tips for Mom-Wife-Student.

When I wrote this post It had been a couple of days after I had received my acceptance letter to college.  I was very excited, as anyone who graduated 10 years ago would be. Finally, one day I laid on my bed trying to fall asleep, and I began to think that I would have to add student to the list of my responsibilities. So, as you can imagine, I did not get much sleep that night just thinking about what I was going to do.  In prayer I asked God to show me how I can balance all of these responsibilities without "burning myself out".  I feel as of now, God has really helped me find a balance. So, now I have couple of tips for those you who are on the same boat, or will be on the same boat as I am. 

If you are a "worry wart" then I have two suggestions for you. Keep an active prayer life. You know how psychologist recommend you keep a diary and write everything down?  Well I suggest the same but in my suggestion, I suggest that you talk with God.What will you say to God? EVERYTHING. Tell him what you are worried about, what is stressing you, what your concerns are.. everything. God will give you peace of mind and you will be able to think clearly.. like Philippians 4:6-7 says " Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  .. Which lead's me to the second point. . .

Write the above verse down, and put it somewhere you can see it everyday. Remember that the word says do not be anxious about anything, don't stress, don't get overwhelmed.  Just pray, and God will give you peace that transcends all understanding. Everyone will wonder how is this person so relaxed, and we are all stressed out?.. well you know the answer. It's all God. 

2. 100% A 100% OF THE TIME? 
Sorry it doesn't matter how much of super mom you are, there is no possible way that you can give 100% to all of your responsibilities, all the time. Come to terms that there will be times where you will have to focus on one responsibility more and ignore the rest.   You have to divide your time, and make sure you have time for yourself too. .. which leads me to my next advice. 

Know your priorities, and make a schedule.  For me, when I am at home, my family and home are the priority. So I schedule homework time during school hours. When I have a class at 11 am, I go to school at 9 am and try to get any assignments done, that way my afternoons are free.  Sitting in the cafeteria eating and chit-chatting with all your friends during your hour long lunch break, is a waist of time and money. After all, you are paying for school, so why not take advantage of that time and head to the lab to work on school work. Have your lunch there.  Make school work a priority when you are at school, it's honestly the best time for homework to be done anyway. My family, and church are a major priority for me. So, doing all my school work at school, leaves the afternoons and weekends free of homework and allows me to focus on my family and church.

Can't stress this enough! Do your homework/assignments as soon as you get them.  why? If you have a child you know they are full of surprises. They get sick randomly, or do things that require immediate attention. Doing your homework right away will eliminate the stress of rushing to get things done on time, at least when it comes to school. You know what else doing your work right away allows...getting ALL your homework done.  When you get all your homework done, you won't have to stay up til wee hours in the morning studying for a test. You will already know the material. Pretty much all your tests are based on the homework you get.. so do it, do it right away, and you will be OK.

I can't stress how much being organized will simplify your life. A To-do list will be your best friends. I have a school planner where I have all my due dates, tests and homework list.  Then, I have everything else on my iPad.  Write everything down...even if it's a song you have to print out for church. This is so important because it will keep you sane. Trust me.

I understand that as Christians we want to support each-other, but we also need to understand that we won't be able to accept every invitation we receive. Which leads me back to priorities.  Should I go to that birthday party or should I get some rest because I have an early class.  What is your priority?  For me, it's school. Therefore I would have to decline the invitation to the birthday party.  In a nice way, of course. Taking on "too much" can overwhelm you, so make sure you don't volunteer for any extra stuff that are'nt necessary.

What's my reason for school? I want to get educated for several reasons.  I feel that the skills I am learning will benefit the church. I want to teach my son the importance of continuing your education, and my husband and I want to be homeowners one day.  I think about these things everyday when I head to school.  They keep me motivated!

In the end balancing all of life's responsibilities comes down to prioritizing, scheduling and being organized. The most important thing to remember is that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. 
Sorry for the tired look, but I was actually a bit sick here :D


10/18/18 UPDATE: 
When I wrote this, I had finished my first year with one child, Benjamin. After the first year, I had to take a year off to give birth to Jason. When I returned for my 2nd year of school, I had Jason as a baby and Benji as a toddler. That was tough! However, I still followed all my own advice that is in this post. Even so, I still had to pull some "half-nighters" (until 3 or 4am), and I did cry a few times. My husband was my biggest help and supporter. I definitely could not have done it without him. With that in mind, If I had to give extra advice on this post it would be the following:

8. Establish a good support group. 
 Whether it's a neighbor, family, church group or class mates, a good support group will help you get through school. Sometimes, you need just a few hours to study or finish an essay, and having someone you can to for help is key! AND don't be afraid to ask for help!

9. Make a buddy in all your classes. 
Have that person that will take notes for you if you are not there. Things will come up where you will have to miss class or be late to class, and you want to be covered. I tried my best to make at least a couple of friends or contacts that could inform me of anything I missed. Also, return the favor when they are absent. In addition to that, make sure you have all the contact info to your professors, and do not be afraid to ask for help.

10. Don't forget to show love. 
It does not matter how stressed and overwhelmed you are, don't forget to hug your kids, and kiss your hubby.  Take a few min everyday to acknowledge your loved ones, and the people helping you through it. Also, show yourself some love too. Don't feel sorry for yourself. I did this alot, and it's not healthy.  Just remain positive.  It's not forever, and remind yourself that the outcome will be awesome!!

October 20, 2014

The Land of "Magic"

There is this place in Hamilton that we call Concession.  (It does have a name, but we don't know it) Despite this places being a beautiful garden, it is also on the mountain that overlooks the city.  The view from this park, day or night, is just breathtaking.

"Concession" is the perfect place for a romantic stroll, especially when you have the amazing view tat overlooks the city.  My husband and I went there when we were dating, and so did my sister and her husband. Those of you from Canada know that Hamilton is not the most beautiful place in Ontario but when you are in love, It's magnificent. If you don't believe just ask my husband who would travel weekly from London to see me. In his eyes Hamilton had become wonderful, especially after visiting this park.

In our minds, this place promises you a lifetime of happiness, and wonderful memories. That is why we call it the land of Magic! So make sure you stop by "Concession" with your loved one next time you are in Hamilton, ON ...

or just go there with your family on thanksgiving day!
Any excuse is valid. :)

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Next Post will be on Friday: Tips for a Wife-Mother-Student. So make sure to come back soon! 

August 19, 2014


Four years ago beginning of September my husband and I, as newlyweds, explored the area of Muskoka. We fell in love with it, and vowed to return again.  Our wish finally came true this summer. Not only did we return, but we returned with a little package by the name of Benjamin, who had the greatest time ever.  You would think he was a descendant of the fish, by the way he loves water, and playing in it.  Unless of course, you offer him a bath during cartoon time.

I also brought along my mom... 
and my two younger sisters... 
and my brother in law...
and my sister in law...
and my cousin.

Basically it was family vacation.  We rented a small cabin at the Cleveland's House Family Resort.  I love that place. It has so much to do.  Swimming pools, gym, Golf, Tennis, movie night, the beach, canoes...Giant Checkers.. yes Giant checkers...AND just a few mins away is the most amazing bakery ever!  Abbeys Bake House is it's name, and it has the best brownies I have ever had, in life.  I'm dying for one right now, as I am remembering.  

Oh but the best part ever, is the water trampolines. It was the funnest and funniest thing ever. We had an amazing time just trying to push each other up on those things. I love swimming but that just took it to a whole other level.  I will never see the beach the same again.  ( Refer to bottom photo)

I was so sad when it was time to leave.  I wasn't ready to leave just yet, but I had too.  This place has a special place in my heart and I have wonderful memories there. We are definitely going back and this time I am not waiting another four years. 

They also have a water show every night by the Canadian Olympic Water Ski Team. 

Water park: 

August 1, 2014

The Act of Bavery

As you know we recently took a trip to African Lion Safari.  Well toward the end of the day we walked by an Obstacle Course.  Of course Benjamin wanted to have a go at it. Unfortunately, he was about an inch too short. He still tried to run in and Of course I held him back.  I saw many older kids there, and I didn't want my son to get hurt by one of them. Benjamin was upset but quickly forgot, or so I thought.  Well Ruben was playing with him at the little kids playground, so I decided this was a good time to walk away for a bit by myself.  Well when I came back they were not at the playground, and well...  This is what happened in the words of my husband.. 
"Today I took my son to the playground at the Lion Safari.  There was a sign that said must be this tall to enter. Benji was a couple inches to short so I told him "Your not big enough you can't do it" 
I dragged him away and told him to play at the little kids playground and he was not impressed. He had that look in his eye like "this isnt' challenging enough". 
After a few minutes he made his way back to the big playground and I told him "Your not big enough". 
Anyway I let him go in and the lady at the gate was looking at him like go ahead little boy you wont make it up the first wall. To my surprise he climbed the wall. With a lot of difficulty, but he climbed the wall. He went down the slide made his way through the ball pit, that was up to his chest, got to the next obstacle. He did not know how to climb. He stepped onto the rope ladder and fell off. My heart was pounding in my chest because I thought he would fall off and break a leg. I wanted to go in and pull him out, but I didn't want to tell him he couldn't do it either. He didn't even look over at me, and I knew he didn't want to give up. He wanted to prove he could climb the next wall. He managed to get onto the first step and all the kids were passing by him quickly and he observed how they climbed and he began his climb. He was going so slow, and all the kids were going by him quickly and they were shaking the ladder as they went. I wanted to pull him out, but I didn't want him to think I was holding him back from his goal. To my surprise he cleared rope ladder got to the top. When he got to the top I kept thinking he wont go down the slide its to tall. I should go to the other side to encourage him to slide down. When I got to the other side he had already slid down, and was laughing of joy.  I knew he was laughing at me saying I told you I could do it. He tried to run back to the start of the line and I grabbed him and said "good job you have nothing to prove anymore." 

I am extremely proud of my son.. but also now know that I can't leave those two alone.  haha

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July 29, 2014

Thankful & Honored

I am thankful.  I am thankful for all the wonderful blessings that God has bestowed upon me. A wonderful husband.  A marvelous little boy.  Two of the best families united by marriage, and getting bigger as the years go by.   A Holy spirit filled, sanctified, worshiping, Jesus Name church.  I am thankful for that great salvation that was obtained through the sacrifice that Jesus made. 

I am  Honored. A girl who was so quiet that people thought she was mute.  Yes that was me.  What God saw in me then? I will never know but, I do know that he saw something in me that nobody else did. Now here I am. honored.  Honored that he chose me to carry the torch. I am Honored to know that He lives inside of me, and that I am chosen to Reflect his Glory. 
That is just how I feel.  Thankful and Honored. 

Thanks Jaz for styling and photographing. Luv ya sis!

July 21, 2014

Summer Adventures: African Lion Safari

If you live in Canada then you would know that we had one of the most horrible winters.  Very low temperatures and very frequent snow falls. Gosh, we thought it was never going to end. So when this summer started everyone got extremely happy, and we, Ruben and I, decided to take advantage of all the snow-less days we get.   

We do have two jobs. One of our jobs is only from 5-8 in the early morning, and our second job is being pastors.  Some may think that is not work but let me tell you that it is.  We do have good days where we get the time to study, pray and also spend time together.  We do however have days where they are so busy.   Sometimes our phone rings off the hook for prayer requests or other concerns/needs of the church people, family and even other ministers.  Someday we are our on the road visiting  people, or running other church errands. Despite what people may think, being a pastor is actually hard work, and if you don't make time for family, you will never get any.   We decided that one day a week we will take off completely, and have family day. Family day is important to me for two reasons.  One being that we actually get time off together, and the second is that my child will understand that he is a priority in our lives, and not grow up resenting the ministry.  

So last week we headed to African Lion Safari.  It's literally 20 mins from my home. It's actually shameful that I have never been. It was very much worth it though. Ruben and I had just as much fun as Benjamin did.  It was pretty exciting to see all these exotic animals. The biggest plus on our side was, of course, seeing Benji's face light up when he saw the different animals he recognized. 
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